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A 5-second ear wash developed by an ear, nose, and throat doctor. Two important aspects of his well-researched development are primarily, the use of isopropyl alcohol (70%) along with the addition of aloe to the solution not only significantly reduces the amount of wax build-up, it also assists in not having dry flaking ear canal skin.
Secondly, a special, scientifically designed, irrigating ear-tip is used to squirt the solution safely into the ear without touching the ear drum.

Our research has shown no complications using either the ear-tip or the alcohol/aloe solution.

Most importantly, the ear canal is usually kept clean and free of wax-buildup.

Ear wax, that gummy, hearing-loss goo that naturally develops in ears is really an important thing. But sometimes it gets out of control, and not necessarily by itself.

The ear has a natural way of cleaning itself, but when we interfere with it, via earbuds, cotton-tips, fingers, etc... all we do is push the natural build-up of wax (cerumen) deeper into the ear canal. Over time, this buildup can cause hearing loss and ringing in the ear. Also, when the ear gets wet by swimming or even showering/shampooing, the water can become trapped behind the wax and cause a painful infection.

A dry ear is a happy, healthy ear.

EarKare® can help keep your ear dry and free of wax.

16 fl. oz per package

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